Saturday, May 28, 2011

School is OUT!

May 28th

We have endured the last few weeks of school and made it to the end.  I am going to say with out a doubt that MAY is in the running with December for the craziest months of the year.  I’m usually full of happy feelings and ready to start summer with a bang, but this year it comes with mixed feelings.  I’ve thought about why all week long and I think the sad feelings come from a few places.

First, I was not able to spend time in the girl’s classroom this year.  Usually when the year is over, I have logged many hours and made tons of memories with the kids at school.  This year I felt like I struggled to know what was going on, and didn’t have that special connection with the girls.  I didn’t really worry about it all year long because I knew I was doing what I could, but at the end it made me sad to realize I had missed all those days with them.

The second thing on my mind is that we are usually celebrating finishing another year of school with the boys.  Each one until now has been about recognizing their accelerated academic achievements, being proud of many sports and fine art accomplishments.  This year instead of wanting to celebrate a great year in high school, I was left worrying about KC and just how far behind he really is.  Feelings of the painful hard work to accomplish so little toward graduation and still not knowing how he will make up all the credits and if will be able to graduate on time.
Summer will be a welcomed changed from the school year.  Hopefully KC will continue to make progress and be able to handle a full schedule next year.  I'm looking forward to spending one on one time with the kids as well as lots of time together. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

KC's 15th Birthday Party Menu

I can say without a doubt that we are so happy to see KC looking so good to celebrate his birthday this year.  I thought it would be easier to put a link to the blog, instead of texting the details.  And yes, I know I can't ever keep it small. 
So if you bet on the fact that I couldn't keep it to a single dessert and few appetizers, YOU WIN!  
 Here it goes!

Party starts at 5ish......That means arrive sometime after 5pm :)  We will go as long as people last, or until the clock strikes TWELVE (midnight that is).  Please feel free to come and go as you are able.  We'd love to see you all, even if it's just for a few minutes. 

The plan is to talk, chitchat, banter, parley, shoot the bull, kibitz, yak, lecture, negotiate, catch up with each other
play some games! 

KC's Favorite Things . . . To eat!

Grilled Cheeseburgers
 with all the fixing's 
(Dave is anxious to put his his "45" patty grill to the test!)

Harry Carry Fries
(Deep fried goodness - it does start out healthy - fresh potatoes, cut into thin, twirly ribbons, deep fried by the fry master himself CLIFF, smothered in your favorite sauce....BBQ, Ranch, Fry Sauce, Ketchup etc!)

Strawberry Spinach Salad
Hardly counts as a vegetable it's so good, topped with crunchy candied pecans, feta cheese and sweet poppy seed dressing.

A torted, rich chocolate cake,  filled with whipped sweet cream and diced strawberries, drizzled with milk chocolate ganache and topped with more strawberries.

The legendary, feed a thousand, decadent dessert.  Layers of rich vanilla pudding and graham crackers topped with a velvety chocolate icing.  One of our MOST famous crowd pleasers!  

Aunt Kristin's Pretzel Jello
Crunchy, Sweet, Creamy....need I say anything else?

Aunt Elizabeth's Carrot Cake
Grandma Mullen Style - if you haven't tried this one you've been missing out! 
& Strawberry Shortcake Trifle
Does anyone else see the strawberry theme happening here?

Grandma's Pie Crust Cookies
Hot from the Oven!
KC requested his favorite ones, the snails!  If your a flat lover, let us know, we'll do some of those too. 

Aunt Wendy's AWESOME POP
In many varieties, and you can request yours on the rocks at our house:)

Aunt Susie's Green Salad
We were hoping for one thing healthy?  This might be it? Maybe?

And . . . . . . anything else I come up with in the next 24 hours!

Love you all -

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Quiet Saturday Morning

It's a lovely "spring" morning today.  Really, it's about time to have some good weather.  David and I went and picked up our Bountiful Baskets and then headed home to find the girls eating Lucky Charms on the patio. 
I was greeted by Kiersten who boldly told me,

 "Eating Lucky Charms will make you grow very tall!  You should have eaten more Lucky Charms MOM!" 

 Mom - "How do you know Lucky Charms will make you tall?"

Kiersten - "It says so right here on the box!"

Mom - "Let me see that box."

The box says - "Grow up strong with Big G kids Cereals."  (With a picture of a boy next to a measuring tape showing how tall he is.) 

Alexis - "It even has whole grain, it's guaranteed!"

Dad - "Your right!  If Grandma had let mom have more sugar cereal, she would have been taller!"

You've got to love marketing!  I purchased 6 boxes of Lucky Charms yesterday at Winco.  They were a great deal so I couldn't resist (less than $1.50/box).  There is only ONE box left.  I guess when it's gone, it's gone!  The good news is, they still love cracked wheat, steel cut oats, germade and lots of other healthy things for breakfast.  I won't complain too much about cold cereal because it's something they can get on their own when we don't feel like getting up to fix them breakfast. I figure it's enriched and a good thing to have for food storage. 

While the girls were eating their whole grain guaranteed breakfast, I enjoyed checking my flower beds and new plants.  I've been panicking that I had planted too early, but all the little ones check out just fine.  David had slit the tops of the little greenhouse caps we put over the plants yesterday and everything looks very healthy.  I did a little research this morning on the Internet about how to care for my Daisy's and begonias.  I've never planted them before and didn't know how to dead head them.  While I was looking at the U of U extension site I also discovered that they should only be irrigated not sprayed.  Who knew?  Dave was going to change out the drip system that exists in that flower bed for sprinklers.  I guess I can take one more thing off his hunny-do list. 

Last week while Dave was out of town, I finished changing out the perennials in the front two beds.  I planted several colors of day-Lilly's, some cat mint, candy tuft, poppies, and a couple others I can't remember the names of.  It took all I had to pull out the decorative grass and shrubs.  My little neighbor kept telling me to take it easy.  In the back I planted butterfly bushes along the garage, Gerbera Daisy's and begonias with wave petunias along the back fence with some tomatoes and peppers.  I planted two hanging baskets for the back patio (Dave put up some hangers for me) with shade plants.  My Grandmother always had impatients in hanging baskets on her back patio.  They look bleak, but hopefully will grow quickly.  The garden is simple this year.  I only planted what I really want to eat/can/freeze.  We are trying little watermelons, pumpkins, zucchini, butternut squash, cucumbers and peppers.  I planted wave petunias all along the front of the garden so it looks pretty.  We spread a new layer of bark around and it's looking pretty good.   I'll post some of the pictures KC took of my flowers.  They are awesome.  I'll try and take more pictures of the yard as it grows and blooms.  

I still have to re-plant one of the butterfly bushes that bit the dust.  No one will admit to trampling it, but asking the boys who crushed it reminded me of how my Grandpa Rex used to grill everyone when one of his baby fruit trees would die.  He was known for planting several baby trees each spring.  Most of them looked like a weed in the middle of the grass.  He got smarter as he aged, and he would stake out around it and put up string.  They still usually didn't make it very long.  My boys answer to the butterfly bush, "Hmmmm?  What?  There was something there?"  I guess you have to post a sign to inform everyone where you plant your new baby plants!

Today I'm going to try and catch up on house work since the yard is mostly done now.   I don't expect to see any of the boys emerge from bed anytime soon.  I bailed on the card game last night and went to bed at about 1:30.  Apparently they stayed up and played four more rounds (one entire game of hand and foot) after I went to bed. 

The girls room is a disaster.  I'm really not sure how to keep it clean at this point.  Three girls can destroy a space faster than . . . . . . well, I can't think of anything that fast.  Taking more stuff out of their room it is the key.  But somehow, STUFF migrates back in there.  Someday they will each have their own room and there won't be so much arguing about who left what on the floor. 

I respectfully call the pile in my laundry room "MOUNT-LAUNDRY-MOORE".  And it's in fine form today.  My sister Megan calls the clean laundry that is in a pile something else, but I can't remember what it is.  I'll have to ask her today.  Since there really are two distinct mountain ranges, one clean - one dirty, I really do need to name the clean pile something different.  The boys (mostly Dave and KC) are great about tossing in a load or two, but it usually waits in a clean pile until I get down there to fold it and put it away.  I'm also picky about ironing, when I can be, so I like to iron stuff before I put it away (A habit I must thank my mother for).  Anyhow, that sometimes delays the putting away phase and just allows more to pile up.  For the past week, the entire ping pong table has been covered.  The sock basket is heaping, and I noticed that the girls just grabbed two socks that didn't even match yesterday and today.   When I asked them why they said that my sock drawer was empty too.  Hmmmm?  I wondered why all my socks were dirty?

I ought to photograph the laundry for posterity, but don't know if I dare.  I'm sure it would make someone else out there feel better about their own laundry room.

Well, better run and get going before the day is gone. 

KC Update

I figured I better post an update on KC before his story hits the news. 

A few weeks ago we were approached by the concussion clinic and asked if we would do an interview with Mary Nichols from Channel 2.  A little hesitant, we checked with KC's therapist and after a few days decided that we would go ahead with the interview.

The first day we filmed at the Concussion Clinic.  I was nervous, just not knowing what to expect.  The "CREW" was late because of traffic.  I laughed because the crew was only Mary and one camera guy.  Once they arrived and were set up, it was not that bad.  We filmed an office visit with the doctors and KC taking the Impact test.  We've had multiple visits with Dr. Rich so it was pretty easy.  The funny times were when the camera guy wanted something specific.  He would have us do it over and over again.  A few days later we filmed at the school and at our home.   We are not sure when it will air, but we will let everyone know when it does.  I'll try to put a link here on the blog.  I'm pretty nervous not knowing what they will edit out and what they will air.  It will probably be the two or three things I wish I hadn't said.  After all, with hours of video, you could say anything you want in 4 or 5 minutes. 

So, back to an update.  KC is doing well and makes continual progress, just that progress is very slow.  I keep track of a lot of things (due to my OCD Nurse behavior) and that actually helps me see the little things progress along.  If it didn't, I'd always be questioning if things are really getting better.

He still had a hard time just with four classes.  The teachers have been wonderful in working with him, and helping him with what he needs.  I've noticed on his great days he can get tons of school work done and it almost seems effortless like it used to be.  Unfortunately, we don't have very many of those.  Most days are somewhere in between really good days and really bad days.  We are starting to figure out what some of the triggers to his severe migraines are and try to avoid those.  It doesn't always work, but we try.  At this point, we have limited the amount of therapy we are doing.  The biggest reason is the benefit doesn't out weigh missing days at school.  I think we have all the "strategic" moves down, its just waiting for the body to completely heal itself. 

Most days KC's routine just seems normal now.  I've cried lots of tears over the fact that this has gone on long enough to be "NORMAL" for us.   I don't think about how long it will take for him to get better anymore because I don't think life will ever be like it was.  I think about how we can optimize what has returned and about how we can shape his future to be the most successful with what ever abilities he regains.  It's easy to see all of the doors that have closed for him because of this experience, but I will tell you that there are many doors that have opened to take the place of those that have closed.  As adults, it's hard to change where you think you are going in life, and it's hard for KC too.  I think he is finally starting to get used to his new future and now sees it as bright as the old one. 

KC continues to be very successful with his music studies.  While I don't think he will be memorizing anything soon, he has been able to capitalize on the increased hearing abilities he developed while he was without his sight.  Reading is the most frustrating thing for him.  It takes multiple times through a passage in order to comprehend something.  Even reading easy things like recipes, or a list of groceries can be difficult.  He often only remembers the first or last thing on the list.  We have found that if he reads out loud, or involves another one of his senses that the recall is much better.   It is really as if sometimes what comes in from his eyes just doesn't go anywhere. 

We are still very protective of what activities he is involved in.  All the doctors agree than any kind of a head trauma (even a very little bump) could still mean disaster.  Even still, he is getting out more and enjoying the outdoors.  He loves to play basketball on the back patio and is walking/jogging a bit.  The week we advanced him to running set off an un-usual string of severe migraines and the doctors felt it was exercise related, so for now we are back to just walking. 

He doesn't go out with friends much, but seems to enjoy family functions and just hanging with mom and dad.  I was teasing him the other day about the good "husband" skills he was learning.  He was with me on some errands and we stopped at Sally's to pick up a few things.  I realized he was beet red after I asked him a string of questions about which shampoo, color and brush he thought I should pick up.  I guess not all errands are created equal. 

I want everyone to know how blessed we have been as a family over the past nine months.  The miracles that we continue to see on a daily basis are wonderful gifts from our loving Father in Heaven who knows and loves each one of us.  We know that we are being watched over and guided by many angels (on earth and in the heavens) during this difficult time.  We are grateful for your continued prayers in KC's behalf.  He feels of your love each and every day.