Friday, January 28, 2011

Sick X 3!!!

The girls don’t get sick very often, and that’s a VERY good thing! 
I worked three in a row last weekend and noticed on Saturday evening that Lexi wasn’t quite herself.  By Sunday night it was obvious that she was coming down with something.  By Monday morning, she had a high fever and I kept her home from school.  Sure enough, by Monday evening, Madilynn had a fever too, but she also had cough.  By Tuesday, Kiersten joined the club!  I wasn’t too worried until yesterday when we are on day 4 of fevers and they requested that I “turn off the TV” because it was bugging them and they wanted to sleep.  (Mom confession #1 – they are much easier to deal with when they get THAT sick!)
I made the dreaded call for an appointment at the Pediatrician.  Good news, they could see all three 11:10.  In that moment, whoosh went my day.  I bathed and dressed three cranky, whiny, feverish little girls and off we went to the doctor.  (Mom confession #2 – they were easier to take to the doctor when they were all in infant car seats!  I could carry them all in at once, they didn’t get out and move around a germ infested waiting room, they stopped crying with a binky, they didn’t know how to poke at each other yet, and they could have cared less if their sister got more attention than they did!)
I’m not sure if it made me feel better that doctor told me he wished everyone would wait to bring their children in until they were “really” sick…….hmmmm?
He was shocked that both the Influenza and Strep came back negative so we were officially diagnosed with a “viral” something.  Madilynn was the only one with nasty sounding lungs, so she was started on antibiotics and an inhaler.  He did have enough pity on me to prescribe some phenergan with codeine cough syrup so we could have a more restful night.
So, it looks like I’ll need to figure out a few more creative ways to get 8 year olds to take yucky medicine and tolerate the humidifier in their room.  In this moment there are still a few things to be grateful for: the sanitize cycle on the washer, Vicks, cough syrup with codeine and a home office across the hall from their bedroom where they are all fast asleep.