Saturday, May 28, 2011

School is OUT!

May 28th

We have endured the last few weeks of school and made it to the end.  I am going to say with out a doubt that MAY is in the running with December for the craziest months of the year.  I’m usually full of happy feelings and ready to start summer with a bang, but this year it comes with mixed feelings.  I’ve thought about why all week long and I think the sad feelings come from a few places.

First, I was not able to spend time in the girl’s classroom this year.  Usually when the year is over, I have logged many hours and made tons of memories with the kids at school.  This year I felt like I struggled to know what was going on, and didn’t have that special connection with the girls.  I didn’t really worry about it all year long because I knew I was doing what I could, but at the end it made me sad to realize I had missed all those days with them.

The second thing on my mind is that we are usually celebrating finishing another year of school with the boys.  Each one until now has been about recognizing their accelerated academic achievements, being proud of many sports and fine art accomplishments.  This year instead of wanting to celebrate a great year in high school, I was left worrying about KC and just how far behind he really is.  Feelings of the painful hard work to accomplish so little toward graduation and still not knowing how he will make up all the credits and if will be able to graduate on time.
Summer will be a welcomed changed from the school year.  Hopefully KC will continue to make progress and be able to handle a full schedule next year.  I'm looking forward to spending one on one time with the kids as well as lots of time together. 

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