Sunday, February 20, 2011

Posts to come this week!

It's been a super busy week.  I thought I would just make myself a list before I forget.  Check back later this week for the following posts that are in production:
CJ's Philharmonic Tour to CA
KC's Viola Recital
KC's Trip to PCMC
Parent Teacher Conferences
The warehouse sale
Just another day of housework

Ahhhhhh Sunday Morning!

While I know that 1pm church is not for everyone, I want to say how much I LOVE IT!

This morning, the kids all had the chance to catch up on a few hours of sleep.  David and I slept in (till 7:45) and the he headed off to plow snow.  I had the chance to shower, lay out church clothes, empty the dishwasher in a quiet kitchen and make some Snicker doodle dough for a primary treat today.  When the girls woke up, the first batch of cookies was ready to go in a hot oven.  My three cookie helpers jumped right in to help me finish rolling the cookies in cinnamon sugar. 

What makes a perfect Sunday morning?  Music and the spoken word in the background, the smell of sweet goodness and cinnamon sugar, and big tall mug of hot chocolate.  Happy kids helping in the kitchen while working on scriptures and journals.  I snuck out the kitchen to make a few journal entries myself and post this blog.  I'm looking forward to a wonderful day at church, and a sharing time I've looked forward to for weeks.  If only days like this happened more often than couple of time each year.

PS.  I'll post the snicker doodle recipe on my baking blog:)  The link is at the top of this blog on the right side.