Saturday, May 14, 2011

KC Update

I figured I better post an update on KC before his story hits the news. 

A few weeks ago we were approached by the concussion clinic and asked if we would do an interview with Mary Nichols from Channel 2.  A little hesitant, we checked with KC's therapist and after a few days decided that we would go ahead with the interview.

The first day we filmed at the Concussion Clinic.  I was nervous, just not knowing what to expect.  The "CREW" was late because of traffic.  I laughed because the crew was only Mary and one camera guy.  Once they arrived and were set up, it was not that bad.  We filmed an office visit with the doctors and KC taking the Impact test.  We've had multiple visits with Dr. Rich so it was pretty easy.  The funny times were when the camera guy wanted something specific.  He would have us do it over and over again.  A few days later we filmed at the school and at our home.   We are not sure when it will air, but we will let everyone know when it does.  I'll try to put a link here on the blog.  I'm pretty nervous not knowing what they will edit out and what they will air.  It will probably be the two or three things I wish I hadn't said.  After all, with hours of video, you could say anything you want in 4 or 5 minutes. 

So, back to an update.  KC is doing well and makes continual progress, just that progress is very slow.  I keep track of a lot of things (due to my OCD Nurse behavior) and that actually helps me see the little things progress along.  If it didn't, I'd always be questioning if things are really getting better.

He still had a hard time just with four classes.  The teachers have been wonderful in working with him, and helping him with what he needs.  I've noticed on his great days he can get tons of school work done and it almost seems effortless like it used to be.  Unfortunately, we don't have very many of those.  Most days are somewhere in between really good days and really bad days.  We are starting to figure out what some of the triggers to his severe migraines are and try to avoid those.  It doesn't always work, but we try.  At this point, we have limited the amount of therapy we are doing.  The biggest reason is the benefit doesn't out weigh missing days at school.  I think we have all the "strategic" moves down, its just waiting for the body to completely heal itself. 

Most days KC's routine just seems normal now.  I've cried lots of tears over the fact that this has gone on long enough to be "NORMAL" for us.   I don't think about how long it will take for him to get better anymore because I don't think life will ever be like it was.  I think about how we can optimize what has returned and about how we can shape his future to be the most successful with what ever abilities he regains.  It's easy to see all of the doors that have closed for him because of this experience, but I will tell you that there are many doors that have opened to take the place of those that have closed.  As adults, it's hard to change where you think you are going in life, and it's hard for KC too.  I think he is finally starting to get used to his new future and now sees it as bright as the old one. 

KC continues to be very successful with his music studies.  While I don't think he will be memorizing anything soon, he has been able to capitalize on the increased hearing abilities he developed while he was without his sight.  Reading is the most frustrating thing for him.  It takes multiple times through a passage in order to comprehend something.  Even reading easy things like recipes, or a list of groceries can be difficult.  He often only remembers the first or last thing on the list.  We have found that if he reads out loud, or involves another one of his senses that the recall is much better.   It is really as if sometimes what comes in from his eyes just doesn't go anywhere. 

We are still very protective of what activities he is involved in.  All the doctors agree than any kind of a head trauma (even a very little bump) could still mean disaster.  Even still, he is getting out more and enjoying the outdoors.  He loves to play basketball on the back patio and is walking/jogging a bit.  The week we advanced him to running set off an un-usual string of severe migraines and the doctors felt it was exercise related, so for now we are back to just walking. 

He doesn't go out with friends much, but seems to enjoy family functions and just hanging with mom and dad.  I was teasing him the other day about the good "husband" skills he was learning.  He was with me on some errands and we stopped at Sally's to pick up a few things.  I realized he was beet red after I asked him a string of questions about which shampoo, color and brush he thought I should pick up.  I guess not all errands are created equal. 

I want everyone to know how blessed we have been as a family over the past nine months.  The miracles that we continue to see on a daily basis are wonderful gifts from our loving Father in Heaven who knows and loves each one of us.  We know that we are being watched over and guided by many angels (on earth and in the heavens) during this difficult time.  We are grateful for your continued prayers in KC's behalf.  He feels of your love each and every day. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. I'm glad about knowing how he is doing. He looks very good at the pictures from the wedding. I hope he will still get better. I remember teaching him in primary... I love your family.
    Kisses, Eva
    (You don't need to post this comment, I just wanted you to know that I read this.)
