Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Monday in Berlin

We made it.  The train connections were easy….we are doing better with the Language than I had ever hoped!  We checked into the Hilton…..it’s gorgeous.  I’m thrilled that we made the decision to stay here.  We are very close to multiple stations that take us to anywhere we want to go. 
Seeing CJ was so GREAT!!!  We met the group at the Pergamon Museum.  We walked through it, but were more interested in CJ than the museum.  He didn’t stop talking for 2 hours.  He did a good job of taking pictures….has over 700!  Way to go buddy.  I’m hoping to figure out how to add the pictures soon.  The connections here are VERY slow!

We tried to walk to Brandenburg gate but guess what?  OBMAMA is in town!  Can you believe that….of all things.  Anyhow, he is speaking there tomorrow, so the security was crazy.  We are hoping to get a picture of it sometime, but as for now we could only get within a few blocks of it.

We spent the day sight seeing and ended our day with a river cruise.  Headed back to the hotel and then to dinner at an Italian out door restaurant.  More about all that later tonight. 

We just finished breakfast (Tuesday morning) and we are off to meet the kids, tour the Berliner DOM and tour the crypts, and do a few more museums.  We are also going to the old berlin wall.

Love you all…..be good! 

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