CJ added to his personal library.....
The girls opened their favorite kind of packages......clothes. We had a fun fashion show with the new wardrobe. I hope that someday they will learn to appreciate that they are exactly the same size. We have just started buying only ONE of some things. Madi tried on this outfit from Gymboree and it became "hers". Lexi and Kiersty weren't too pleased with that.
Then came the gift that I was waiting weeks for. Mom (Grandma Barb) and I had seen a statue that we both fell in love with. She decided to give it to Grandma for Christmas. It reminded us both so much of Grandpa Rex and Grandma Jo. It was a very teary moment, sweet and tender. Mom hates having her picture taken, but I made her pose long enough to get more than one "good" shot.
We had so much fun with Grandma Jo.
She was in good spirits.
The girls taught her how to "raise the roof"
Isn't she cute!
By the end of the evening the boys were hard at work using their new rubber band guns. Since we had THREE (one for CJ, KC & Dave) it made for quite the showdown at the Johnson Coral!
Mike doesn't even need a gun to play along.....watch out!
KC could manage two at once.
Here is a picture of ONE of the Helicopters being flow around the living room.
I entertained the group with my "Magic Tricks!"
Grandma & Grandpa gave each family PASS OF ALL PASSES! & Tokens to go with them. I'm sure there will lots of fun days ahead in the coming year.
Last but not least, we all ate more cresents than we should have. I think we baked up 20 dozen or more. But what is christmas without a few dozen cresents and prime rib in your stomach.
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