Sunday, September 18, 2011

Catching UP!

I'm WAY behind on blogging!  I realized this when several people sent emails or texts asking if things were OK because I hadn't posted in so long.

Here's the scoop.......Summer started, we played hard together as a family, worked hard together as a family, and spent many lazy summer days together as a family.  I was blogging during "down time" that disappeared when summer came and I was surrounded 24/7 by all of the kids.  Carving out a few more minutes in the day to blog just never happened.  I wrote lots of entries on my new net book, and journal in good ole fashioned ink, but couldn't figure out how to post from anything but the big computer.  As summer continued, life began to get more complicated.  My dad was diagnosed with liver failure and we started the process of getting him listed for a liver transplant - more on that later.  Grandma Jo is still alive and kickin' at Jamestown and keeps us moving and ensures that there is never a dull moment.   KC has progressed amazingly well, but with the start of school we've been forced back into some of the reality of it all.

All of that mixed with family reunions, getting the kids settled in school, work, church callings,  a couple of weddings and funerals make up the last three months.  My plan is to post the events/and already written entries now that the kids are in school and I can spend a few minutes catching up on everything that I'm behind on. 

When I first started blogging my goal was to record my experiences as a mom, wife, sister, and daughter so that my children and anyone else could know and learn from all of the normal ups and downs of life.  I've benefited more from my blog than probably anyone else ever will, so that makes it all worth it.  Hopefully as I go back and fill in the summer gaps I won't drive anyone crazy!  If I do, you can just join me and we will go crazy together.

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