Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June 14th

I spent the morning at the dentist with the girls.  All looks well with their teeth.  They have several that are ready to fall out and are on strict dentist orders to keep wiggling!  We stopped at Wal-Mart and picked up bubbles for our trip to Manti later this week. 

After getting home, feeding everybody lunch and unloading the car, CJ & Madi went with me to go and visit Grandma Jo.  We stopped at Days on our way and picked up her favorite Yogurt drinks.  She was so sad today.  It broke my heart.  I had a list of things to do a mile long this afternoon, but could not stand to leave her.  So, we took her outside for a walk and to feed the ducks.  We had a great chat in the shade while she told me about every duck in the pond.  I wonder if she really knows them, or if she just makes it up as she goes along.  She told me how the workers there need to get their priorities straight!  It’s kind-of funny coming from her – I reminded her that they are probably doing the best they can, but have been given so much work to do that they cannot possible do it all.  Her next quote was the best, “You would think they could hire some body to help me that isn’t more retarded than I am?”  I asked her to clarify and if I could quote her.  She said, “just go and tell them that the help here is more retarded than JO is – and that’s pretty bad!”
We giggled and she accused us of not taking her seriously.  I gave CJ the "eye" and he got the message.  She then went on to tell CJ that this may be the last time she has to tell him a few things.  She went through a list, obviously prepared in her thoughts for quite a while, of all the things she wants him to remember throughout his life.  How to be a good husband and father, that she expected him to get a good education and to stay active in the gospel.   She shared her testimony with us and her love of the gospel and reminded us how much the gospel blesses her life and ours.  She spoke so clearly today it was almost strange.  She followed the conversation between us perfectly and her speech was like it was 10 years ago. 
I asked her if Grandpa had visited her lately and she told me he was busy and hadn't had time to stop by, but that he was coming back to get her this weekend.  It really freaked CJ out and he asked me on the way home if I thought she was serious.  I told him off course not, but I guess you never know.
UPDATE - It was very strange over the weekend when Grandma's condition deteriorated.  CJ was convinced he should have taken her seriously and that she is really going to go this time.  Only time will tell.